Friday, May 8, 2009

A Few of My Favorite Things...Part 1

This is one of my very favorite spots in the town that we live.

This is Deer Leap Falls. It is only about a ten minute hike from the road. Downhill on the way in, but UPHILL headed out...whew!

But, it is oh so worth it!

It's so calming to watch the water flowing over the rocks and listen to it splashing into the creek below. The smell of pine fills the air. A true delight for all the senses.

You cannot help but forget about your worries here. A great place to plop down on one of the big rocks that line the creek .

If I'm not in a rush, and don't have a million things on my "to do" list, a walk along the creek is good for the body and spirit.

Many Blessings,