Welcome to Pink Saturday hosted by Beverly of How Sweet the Sound.
Stop by her blog to see all kinds of pretty pink postings this and every Saturday.
Spring has Sprung! So tell me, have you started your Spring Cleaning?
Unlike the lady below, I actually enjoy cleaning...crazy, huh?!
Maybe she wouldn't be so down on cleaning if she had some PINK cleaning accessories...
Such as a pink mop...
Such as a pink mop...

a pink feather duster is a must...

or some pink buckets, sponges and scrubbers...
Or maybe this one,
You can't be down if you are wearing polka dots :)
No ugly yellow gloves here,
these pink gloves will protect her pink manicure and she will look fab...

Finally, the ultimate pink cleaning tool... A pink Dyson!
Spring cleaning never looked so good!
Have a wonderful Pink Saturday!
And don't forget to enter my Pink Giveaway, click on the picture below.
Good Luck!