Because October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, I am simply posting a pink awareness ribbon... In honor of my dear friend taken too soon, in honor of my mom-in-law, a brave survivor, in honor of all who have been affected by this horrible disease.
I pray for the day that we will no longer need this pink ribbon. That our daughters (and sons)will no longer be threatened by breast cancer. I pray for a cure.
But until then, let the ribbon remind us of who we have lost, of the survivors, and of our own need to stay informed. Please do regular breast self exams and have mammograms done according to doctor's recommendations. Early detection is the best chance for a cure. Check out Web MD and Komen For a Cure for lots of useful information, and ways to get involved.
Thank you to Beverly of How Sweet the Sound for hosting each week. Stop by Beverly's blog to see who else is sharing pink this week. Also, be sure to check out Dolly @ From My Cherry Heart. She is a sweet gal with a beautiful blog :)