I cannot believe how fast this week has gone! It's Pink Saturday again! Thank you Beverly of How Sweet the Sound for hosting this fun event each week!
My daughter Meghan turned 9 this past Tuesday, so this Saturday we are having a few of her BFF's over for pizza, a craft, some girl fun and cake! They should have a blast! I will be decorating the house in the morning. She requested pink (of course) and brown for the color scheme.
I am sharing for pink Saturday the candy bars we wrapped in pink customized wrappers. These are thank you's to her girlfriends for celebrating her birthday with her.
The girls will be making pink and brown pictire frames with magnets on the back as a craft during the party.. I'll take a group picture, make copies and place them in the frames for each girl to take home with them.
I cannot believe my sweet angel is 9 already! They grow way too fast! I am so proud of her!
YHappy 9th Birthday Meghan! Love you to the moon and back!Y
And Happy Pink Saturday to my blogging friends!